Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Carolyn's Wedding Pictures Sept. 21 1996

Here are some pictures of Carolyn that we've all seen before and a few screen caps that I've made.  Enjoy!  Her pictures are timeless and look like they were taken yesterday.  What an amazing dress!


  1. These pictures are so great! Thank you so much for them! Great job!

  2. WOW! Love these pics. They were a great couple and seemed to have a gorgeous wedding. Elegant and understated.

    I wanted to ask. YOu mentioned that you made screencaps. Where did you get the videos from?
    I would love to see more of how the inside of the chapel was decorated. Also the decor of the reception.
    Do you happen to know if they sent out invites?
    Thanx again

  3. I thought the dress was a custom Narciso Rodriguez.

  4. This was the wedding of the century. Not many pictures of the wedding were ever published. They wanted privacy and they got it. Good for them. They never seemed like real people. I will always wonder what their future would have been. When they left, they left the thrill of what would have come next. They leave a hole in the world.

  5. The dress was a custom Narciso Rodriguez. It was supposed to have cost $40,000. A woman with true style never looks dated in photos. Even though she died in 1999 every picture of her looks like it could have been taken today. Same thing for Jackie. She never looks dated. Too bad they didn't have a chance to know each other.

  6. So adorable wedding photos. I am just in love with each and every idea. Well, we too would be marrying soon and want a fun destination ceremony but haven’t decided on the venue yet. Could anyone here please share a list of the best wedding venues in the US?
