Thursday, September 29, 2011

January 29th 1999

These were taken on January 29th 1999.  I love this look and I would personally wear this outfit today.  Love the hair with the long layers.  The coat and boots look amazing.  This outfit and hair look very relaxed and carefree.  She does seem a little annoyed and in a hurry to get away from the paparazzi though, which I don't blame her. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Another "newer" video I found on Youtube

Hope everyone's week is going well.  I found this video on Youtube and haven't seen it before.  Again, some of you might have but for those of you who haven't, enjoy!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

After 50 years, finally the tapes that Jackie recorded 4 months after the president died are finally released. She talked about living in the white house, people in politics, marriage, cuban missile crisis, and many other things.  It was recorded at her home and you can hear John in the background.  From What I believe, after she recorded these tapes, which are over 8.5 hours long, she never granted another interview again.  This ABC special is two hours long just touching base on the 8.5 hours.  You can buy the book and all of the hours are incuded with the book. 

Some of the things she says are so very surprising but remember these statements are a snapshot in time and her thoughs changed on certain things.   For example, she stated that Martin Luther King was "fake" and she said her marriage was "Asiatic" in which she means she had no political opinions of her own and a woman is only there to just exist to make her man feel like the man in the marriage.  She stated "she had no opinions of her own,  her :husbands opinions were her own when it came to politics."

Please watch and enjoy this two hour special ABC just put together this month.  I can't wait to buy the book to get my hands on the entire 8.5 hours of tapes. 

Happy Sunday!!! :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Almost a year since I've posted! Sorry guys. Enjoy the update below

Wow.. Has it almost been a year since I've last posted??? I'm applying my Janet Sartin White Astringent yesterday (love this stuff, someone thought I was 7 years younger that what I really am this week) and realized I'm almost out and and need to place another order from NYC and thought of Carolyn. It's September, the month her and John married. I remembered my blog here and decided to come back for a new post.

The bad new is, my hard drive crashed and I lost all my photos, movies, and articles on her. Yes, even that much debated movie of John and Carolyn's wedding I paid the $10.00 for and saved to that hard drive is gone forever. Unless anyone else has it, please contact me. So starting over again and never letting our obsession die, I'm just starting back simple. Here is a video I found on youtube I have not seen before. I'm sure some of you have not, so enjoy.